Almost aimless
Dear reader,
Every other day, I sit down to write something on this page, but I come up with nothing. What can I write about myself? Photography that I have given up on? Writing that I barely do? Once I realise I won't be writing anything that night, I tinker on the website itself, the typography, the colors, the styles, but never manage to write about myself. About 10 years ago, this website was full of links, things I wanted to show off to the world, my skills, my crafts, everything that I ever did online. It was my link.tree. But now I find that idea somewhat pointless. Why send people to other places, when I have a perfectly fine page to talk about myself, right here! But instead of writing about myself, I get stuck in the sisiphyean task of creating tools might in some way support my writing. The visuals, the aesthetics of the page, the underlying system that served this page on your computer; but I don't talk about myself. Talking about myself probably means I should have substance to talk about.
My identity have been unsettlingly indistinguishable from my profession; so much so that in an failing attempt to strip myself from my profession and around it's ancilliary topics, I created an entirely new website. That page is much more vibrant, with more life & activity... because I write there more. I write there more because I am endlessly doing the same thing in the evening that I do in my day job. Such is the life of a engineer, I tell myself. Ironically though, I don't think I can even call myself an engineer, but that's a topic for the other website.
But soon, I'll probably be on the road, and maybe I will write a litte bit about my trip soon.
Arijit Dasgupta
26th March, 2025, Hamburg